And so it begins

The chOsen One claimed he wasn’t going to take our guns, that he wasn’t going to tread on our Second Amendment guaranteed but God-given freedom. I knew he lied then, his “” policies made it clear he lied, and now they’re trying to gain momentum by claiming it’s for the good of stoping drugs and violence in Mexico. Read about it here, and here, and here, and here.

This is dangerous waters Mr. Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress are treading into. With history of the previous AWB, basically the Congress got a major housecleaning after 1994. Bill Clinton even acknowledges losses were due to the passing of the AWB. If Mr. Obama wishes to have a long legacy, this is not the route to take.


Updated: and here. and good stuff here. and more here.

Updated 2: Seems Pelosi is saying no. (h/t to SayUncle). Sounds like someone knows she’ll be looking for a new job if she even thinks about going there. Still, it’s quite evident such things are on the mind of this President, Adminstration, and Congress… we must remain vigilant.

5 thoughts on “And so it begins

  1. Gun happy Americans appear to have ignored the words “Well regulated” in the 2nd Amendment. It would appear that you’re all under the impression that the framers wanted everyone in the Country to own a firearm, regardless of mental stability.

    • The only change I see is going from telling one lie to telling another. Change you can believe in.

      Reasons why? Control.

  2. Pingback: Maybe they’re starting to get it « Stuff From Hsoi

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